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#NewMacy ACT III: Reintroducing Stability (RSD11)

Saturday, 15 October 2022, 6:00-7:00pm

Published onFeb 13, 2023
#NewMacy ACT III: Reintroducing Stability (RSD11)

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This pub replicates the “#NewMacy ACT III: Reintroducing Stability” contribution that is part of the RSD11 Proceedings and accessible at:

Pille Bunnell, Carlos Castellanos, Damian Chapman, Kate Doyle, Xiao Zoe Fang, Mikal Giancola, Michael Lieber, TJ McLeish, Paul Pangaro, Eve Pinsker, Larry Richards, Eryk Salvaggio, Fred Steier, Mark Sullivan Claudia Westermann

Royal Roads University | Rochester Institute of Technology | Kingston University | Rutgers University—Newark | Zhejiang University | Independent | University of Illinois Chicago | Independent | Carnegie Mellon University | University of Illinois Chicago | Indiana University East| Rochester Institute of Technology | Fielding Graduate University | MSU Museum / CoLab Studio | Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

In Act III we collectively built foundations for ongoing conversations and collaborations.

We opened with a multi-part conversation in which participants critiqued and developed ideas constructed during the Friday and Saturday Studios. Our goal was to develop and expand #NewMacy conversations so that we may construct an ever-inclusive and participant-directed platform for dynamic stability and growth. What questions might we ask? What ideas might we explore? And crucially, what concrete steps can we take to support and sustain these conversations? Participants engaged through an exercise that modeled question-generation and conversation networks.

KEYWORDS: Pandemics, wicked challenges, second-order Cybernetics, systemic change, ontological security, conversation, ontogenetic resilience, recursive feedback.

RSD TOPIC(S): Health & Well-Being, Learning & Education, Methods & Methodology, Society & Culture, Socioecological Design, Sociotechnical Systems

In Act III we collectively built foundations for ongoing conversations and collaborations.

We opened with a multi-part conversation in which participants critiqued and developed ideas constructed during the Friday and Saturday Studios. Our goal was to develop and expand #NewMacy conversations so that we may construct an ever-inclusive and participant-directed platform for dynamic stability and growth. What questions might we ask? What ideas might we explore? And crucially, what concrete steps can we take to support and sustain these conversations? Participants engaged through an exercise that modeled question-generation and conversation networks. We call it 1-800-CYBERNET.

Our (adaptable) goal is to act in generative anticipation of #NewMacy's possibilities for service in our current moment. The 1-800-CYBERNET exercise takes its inspiration from a site of improvisatory collaboration, a place where service is – ideally – provided for those who seek it. This is the site of the "call room," generally perceived as a site of frustration, where questions go perpetually unanswered. 1-800-CYBERNET does not answer questions either, but its call agents generally guide participants in working with questions in order to adapt to changing environments and the unknowable – to build collaborative relationships as they steer. At RSD11, 1-800-CYBERNET played out accordingly.

Hello, 1-800-CYBERNET. Please listen carefully as our ideas have recently changed. Again. Remember our brand promise: Ask a question, leave with three! Please be aware that your call may be monitored for ontogenetic resilience.

At the end of this exercise, all were invited to situate themselves in the poetic — which we associate with ontogenetic resilience. The ACT III Miro Board collected the participants’ (poetic) feedback, recursive in its performance and use (#NewMacy, 2022).

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